Where to Define Your Application Routes

goto routes directory of project you will see routes.php all routes define here

Simple way to define router

$router->add('path', ['controller' => 'name', 'action' => 'name']);

the path is the like example.com/about in this case about will be the path controller is the name of controller which one you want to use for this route action is method of controller


$router->dispatch($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); are use to process request

Route with Closure or Callback

You can also define a route that uses a Closure or callback as the handler like so $router->add('user/{id:[0-9]}', function ($args) { echo 'Example route using closure '.$args['id'] . " ".$args['name']; });

Router with parameter

Router with parameter means you want passing parameter to the url e.g example.com/profile/100 100 is the parameter of the request $router->add('{controller}/{id:\d+}/{action}', ['controller' => 'profile','action' => 'index']); This will create example.com/profile/100 for you you can access by placeholder that you use in case id

Router with complex parameter

You can also add router with complex parameter in this case you have to use regx $router->add('{controller}/{username:[a-z+0-9]+}/{action}', ['controller' => 'profile','action' => 'index']); its create url example.com/profile/username you can pass string+numbers here and access through placeholder that you define in this case username

Route Caching

Zest Franework provide router caching feature so you should take advantage of Zest's route cache.

Zest router cache file Zest router file located at root/Storage/Cache

Using the route cache will drastically decrease the amount of time it takes to register all of your application's routes. In some cases, your route registration may even be up to 100x faster. To generate a route cache, just need to enable from config file

ROUTER_CACHE => set to true to enable caching, or false to disable caching. Default value is true.

Zest framework provide an easy creating website using zest

After running this command, your cached routes file will be loaded on every request. Remember, if you add any new routes. You don't need to regenerate a fresh route cache, Because Zest framework regenerate a fresh route cache automatically for you affter specific time define in config file.

ROUTE_CACHE_REGENERATE timestamp for cache file, after expire cache file auto refreshed , default value is 3600 - 1Hour.

note: router caching feature is not available in components